Wrong Answers!! Waste of Time!!!
I am a big fan of this show and the original app.. But this app has quite a few problems. First of there are several wrong answers on these questions! For example I am a nursing major so the health category is obviously my go to.. One question I missed had the complete wrong answers listed and the other had two of the exact same answers and I chose the "wrong" one. Another problem I have experienced is that I will be playing and it will boot me off and tell me that I need to connect to wifi!! But I am still connected and my other apps are in proper working order! This can be quite frustrating! My final complaint is that the only way to actually play this game is in the Solo mode which from my comprehension is you vs a bot. But the bot runs through levels so ridiculously quick and if you do happen to go through levels at the same or faster pace and get to the final exam round if the bot misses more questions than you it will tell you that you have to replay and it will continue to do so until either Solo answers more questions correctly or you come to a tie. At this point it will tell you to play again and when you click okay it automatically goes to Solo won!
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